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9 Ways To Celebrate The End Of The School Year Author : Denise Sanger Submitted : best design school singapore    Word Count : 543    Popularity:   26 Tags:   school year, , next school year, , school clothes, , next school, , child write, , school special,    Author RSS FeedOnce school is out, it is time for summer fun! No matter what your family does during best design school singaporethe summer—camp, vacations, or visiting relatives, take some time to mark the end of the school year. Planning something special to commemorate the best design school singaporebig day places extra emphasis on your child’s achievements, and lets her know how important her education is to you. Here are a few great ways to celebrate:1.Make a school scrapbook. You don’t need to make an entire scrapbook each best design school singaporeyear—you can get a single scrapbook, and add a page or pages each school year. The resulting book will be a great memento of those important early years! Save report cards, photos, certificates, and even handwritten samples or art, best design school singaporeand you will get a solid sense of how your child has grown, and how much they have learned.2.Plan an after school outing with the class on the last day of the school year. This doesn’t have to be done at home (an entire class full of kids plus parents takes up a lot of space!), but if you have a local park, or a restaurant that is kid best design school singaporefriendly, you can fit the entire group without trouble.3.Make a special dinner, and get or make a cake. You can buy a cake at most grocery stores—you can pick a school themed cake, or add a special message to a sheet or ice cream cake to commemorate the occasion.4.Sit down and chat about some of the fun things your child best design school singaporedid this year, and talk about some of the things they would like to do during the summer. While you won’t be able to say “yes” to everything, try to pick a few things, and spread them out so there is something to look forward to each month.5.If you school doesn’t do yearbooks, send an autograph book in on the last day of school, so you child can collect messages and signatures from friends.6.Help your child best design school singaporewrite the teacher a thank you note, and let him choose an inexpensive but thoughtful gift.7.Pick up a while t shirt and a few brightly colored fabric markers. Let you child bring the shirt in lieu of a yearbook or autograph book, and collect signatures from teachers and classmates.8.Pack away the school clothes, checking to be sure the things you are storing are in good condition, and are likely to fit your child in the fall. You can use things that are too small, but in good shape, as hand me downs or donate them to charity. Pull out the summertime things, and make sure your child’s dresser and closet are stocked for summer.9.Pick up a few fun outdoor activity toys or new pool accessories as a special surprise for the last day of school—nothing says summer like pool or beach equipment!No matter what you do to mark the occasion, make sure you make the last day of school special for your child. Placing an emphasis on his academic achievements is a great way to keep him interested—and looking ahead a few short months to the next school year.Author’s Resource Box Denise Sanger is the owner of which features a fantastic selection of outdoor toys including ride-on toys and battery ride on toys. The company is located in Sunny Florida and may be reached at 877-950-7665.Article \Article