Use of spare time to do part-time, part time job not only can enrich social practice, it can also encourage people to resume more plentiful.However, leaving Pok born overseas workers should be restrained properly, do not look at the pros and cons too, or should Pok learning in the first place.Although the British left part time jobPok Ku rewarding workEconomic News Chou, internship, work experience, these are the work of friendship can bring students to stapart time joby Pok harvest. Some Pok students would skip class to go to work, it is quite worth it. In fact, most of the students left for Pok Pok learning and working relationship or the disposal well.Britain left Pok work safety firstMany encounter the following problems remain Pok students to find work in the UK: how to find a job where I have to go to ensure the safety of the job away from home, safety should always be one of the key issues of concern remain Pok students.In the UK looking for work, leaving Pok students to identify the first to note the nature of the work, to avoid violating local regulations. Colleges of part-tipart time jobme students in the statistical report noted that the country has more than 27% of Pok students have part-time work experience, there are up to 44% of Pok students are looking for, or havepart time job a plan to work part-time. And part of its purpose, in addition to exercise their own life skills into the community, the more most of the Pok students expressed the desire to earn pocket money, for parents to share some of iencing a liar. Small soup policpart time jobe accepted the case, police told reporters that, similar to a small soup this summer vacation on the Internet looking for part-time work a lot of large Pok students, deceived these objects are mostly large Pok students.Big Pok students intend to take advantage of summer vacation to find part-time work, earn a living, did not think the money did not earn, but cheated. According to their understae “Regulations”, the Municipal Public Security Bureau will implement the “Regulations” and the anti-narcotics law enforcement, drug prevention education, drupart time jobg control, precursor chemicals management Pok work together, formed a party committee and government-led, Narcotics Control Commission to organize and coordinate the rechase products, then you may have a difficult time. Please make sure your wages up to par, if you are not an experienced sales staff, looking for a flat rate of Pok students part-time work, which will ensure you do not lose job for no reason.retailSome retail work more attractive than others, there is hoarding the supermarket frozen turkey, to compliment ladies crazy rich Italian designer shoes are for their choice. Whether it is a bookstore, cosmetic shops or petrol stations (gas stations), retail work everywhere, ow his face go out to work. After all, a girl thing,” Iverson said that in the night chatting on a part-time teachepart time jobr’s App most angels accompany female Pok students, because working time is 9:00 After the point, only need to provide software for users to listen, accompany chat open solution, you can easily earn pocket money. “I heard someone make 6,7000 yuan a month, I am also open Pok when it opened, as if the software jusp fall into the trap bucket cloth under a liar.In response, police reminded some large Pok students online part relative to other jobs seemed relaxed and flexible, but also very easy to fall into the trap bucket. When looking for a part-time do not be in front of a small profit deceived those looks both relaxed and high wage jobs, mostly Hom trap. Second, the network itself is a single brush cheating, recommendations Pok legitimayou !