Even in the winter months, there are occasions when the ground warms to temperatures higher than the air above. Dun-slope As you know with a hot-air balloon, warm air rises. These pockets of air make perfect elevators for a model sailplane to rise on. But such rising columns of air are invisible. Dun-slope So the art of thermal soaring is to find a strong thermal, and then to stay in it to rise as far as you can. Slope lift, by contrast, relies on the wind and a hill. Dun-slope The hill forces the approaching wind upwards, along with your plane. Great slope soaring sites are invariably found where there is a prevailing wind and a long ridge to create a smooth and constant upward wave of air. Dun-slope There are several methods of launching a model sailplane for a ride on air. The most basic and obvious method is to simply throw the plane with either a javelin or discus style launch. The plane gains about 50 feet of altitude from the momentum of the throw – then you have to hope like crazy that you are going to find lift before gravity brings it inevitably earthward again. This is where slope soaring has a major advantage because as you launch your model sailplane off the slope you know the lift is there from the oncoming breeze. Dun-slope Another launch method which emulates full size gliders involves a second powered model airplane to tow the sailplane up and away. This is a nice way of combining a number of modelling and flying disciplines with the towline released by a separate servo actuation. Dun-slope The motor has folding propeller blades that fold back when the motor is not running to remove the propeller blades from the airflow where they would otherwise contribute nothing but drag. Though it is quite thrilling to watch your model sailplane soar ever upwards, and to remain there due to your skill in seeking out new thermals, there is still more your model sailplane can show you. Slope soaring off a hill usually involves a constant wind and lift, so flyers are not so concerned about losing altitude in a hurry. So diving from altitude makes for speeds up to 100 mph. Then that competitive edge creeps in again and the slope is where most gliders compete. The Academy of Model Aeronautics, , features several Special Interest Groups to assist the silent flier. The League of Silent Flight provides rules for racing, aerobatics, and a series of thermal tasks. The RCCA offers combat guidance and events. The NEAC offers guidance for electric-powered sailplanes. Manufactured by industry giant General Motors, the Saab 9-7X is considered to be one of the finest vehicle from the Saab brand. This vehicle has been in production since the year 2005 but the last batch of Saab 9-7Xs would be seen in 2007 for the company has decided to terminate the production of this vehicle after the year 2007. Easily adorned with Saab European car accessories, the Saab 9-7X has become quite a favorite among various people in the auto market. Saab may be a Swedish brand but still, the overlook look and performance that the Saab 9-7X has is totally American and very GM. First off, the platform is that used by American vehicles. It holds five seats which is the common number of seats you can find in American sport utility vehicles. Jennifer Dylan is a 35-year-old gal who hails from San Francisco. She has a habit of updating herself on new car trends and models. She spends most of her time reading up on cars and hopes to test drive them. She works for one of the topnotch car parts dealer in the U.S. Mobile yard ramps are used for the unloading of rear loading trucks and standard ISO containers, without the need for a permanent docking bay. Using a mobile yard ramp with a single forklift truck is far more efficient and less time consuming than using a pallet truck.