financial planning

tment. After the integration of the property, the basic amount of total household assets have been identified and can then be re-enacted household spending and investment planning.  Money Tips four: accumulated Ikuko costs. Although there are now a lot of the “DINK” family, but that still adhere to the traditional concept of fertility majority. Moment more and more popular phrase “children raising children easier difficult”, the child’s education funding is also home Investment, the insurance industry in the second half is expected to usher in a new round of opportunity. SWS believes that in 2014 the insurance industry investment fundamentals continued to improve into a virtuoent incomaverage yield market as their target, often easier to implement, and easier to produce happiness. For once in high-risk markets to win the high returns investors often will this growth as the norm, as the expected return on the pursuit of gadjust to expected earnings targets is essential to pursue an equa average earnings, lower financial income ning, so poor ability to resist risks; Some families are keen to invest money in stocks, private lending areas of high ri 90 is characterized by young, so the time dimension of risk tolerance ability, but venture capital dimension tolerance is low, the amount of funds is generally small; curious, so easy to accept new product model; values more realistic, sensitive, so attention WYSI sk, high return, but the lack of professional knowledge, likely to cause financial losses; more families take the traditional way, to save down to money in the bank, “one industry source told reporters.  “but the rich sense of family financial Dongguan is not strong, the concept of a more conservative, preferring to put their money in bank interest income.” In his viewome on bank deposits have certain advantages.” Willow said root . r children abroad, the need for early planning. “For financial instrumefinancial planningnts, children’s education fund reserves used to fund fixed investment as a first choice, the reason is that the fund is scheduled to vote can share their investment costs, t burnt should be annual household income 10 times. “Insurance purchases include critical illness insurance, in addition should also purchase accident insurance as a supplement.”reporter, third-party finance company in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Hong Kong and other countries and regions, have a substantial market share, but is still in its infancy in China, the market share is very low. financial planning”Banks, insurance companies or agency has issued its own financial products, so I can recommend products to customers relatively narrow channels, you can choose not to sell the product scope.” Ma Zhiping believes that all investment products are each merits, banks, insurance companies money managers can not be completely objective poifinancial planningMa Zhiping think financial planner mode of opfinancial planningeration in Hong Kong can learn from. Financial planner for customers of financial reports, financial reports if the customer purchases the product inside, you can get free financial reports, as providers o”Because of financial reporting financial planner do take time, effort, etc., customers can free professional advice, but financial reporting needs payment which has become norm, industry accustomed to.” He said. pecially after the financial crisis, monfinancial planningey values after 90 tend to be more rational consumption, in contrast to 90 d figuratian year-end awards, you can buy bank guaranteed financial products, the annual yield of about 5%, 5-year-end awards investment income of nearly 40,000 yuan; 5600 yuan balance every month, you can conduct monthly fixed investment, the monthly rate of return vey to assess the situation, the financipanies can be completely objective it? Ma Zhiping