Top 20 Diamond engagement rings!

Proposing to your girlfriend is one of the most engagement rings decisions you’ll ever make, and buying her ring is a large part of this process. This is the one piece of jewelry that she’ll wear everyday for the rest of her life, so it’s very important to get the most beautiful engagement ring you can .The size of the diamond is often thought to be the most important consideration, but the cut of the diamond is actually much more important, because women want their rings to sparkle and attract attention.


A diamond’s cut is all about brilliance. It is a diamond cutter’s job to determine the balance between cutting a diamond for the most weight and cutting it with the most brilliance. Poorly cut diamonds are often sold for more money because they weigh more, but they are actually less beautiful. The cut of the diamonds in engagement rings determines how much light is reflected. Diamonds are categorized into three categories of cuts. They are shallow cut, deep cut, and ideal cut. Ideal cut diamonds reflect the most light. They weigh less than diamonds that are deep cut, but engagement rings have much more sparkle and are better proportioned. Shallow cut diamonds usually look the largest, but the way they are cut causes light to escape from the sides, rather than reflecting back through the top. Deep cut diamonds are the poorest cut because light is lost through the lower portions of the stone and they look dull.


The Gemological Institute of engagement rings a diamond cut grading system and so does the American Gem Society. They are both highly respected, yet they each have somewhat different systems of cut grading. Whatever system is used, diamond cut is graded by humans, and humans are not always consistent. You therefore cannot rely on a gem laboratory grading certificate being always accurate. A diamond engagement ring with a poorly cut diamond will have a dull, dark appearance. The symmetry and polish of the diamond is critical to how beautiful it looks on her hand. Even a diamond with excellent color and no flaws will appear dull if it’s not properly cut. If the diamond is not cut in a symmetrical manner it will not properly reflect light. Diamonds cut for engagement rings should also be carefully polished for maximum brilliance. Every woman deserves a ring that sparkles and shines.


A diamond engagement ring will be one of the most important purchases you will ever make. Shopping online for engagement rings is a bad idea because it is difficult to see what the diamond actually looks like and there is no guarantee that the ring you are looking at online is graded correctly according to its certificate. It is much better to select diamonds in person from a gemologist. A trained and experienced gemologist will be able to guide you to the highest quality ring in your price range. Shopping at a big box store may get you a slightly lower price, but there will be little personal attention and it’s not likely that the clerk will have much knowledge of diamond cut.