engagement rings定情婚戒,為您綻放幸福的光芒!

The origin of an engagement rings goes back to western culture. In western culture this ring is most often worn by those women who are committed to someone. This ring indicates that now she is engaged and getting married soon. This ring is presented by a man to his spouse whom he is going to marry. So, this ring represents a sort of formal agreement between two parties.Engagement ring is also referred as promise rings. In most of the cultures it is a common tradition engagement rings these are carefully and privately selected by the groom for his future wife. This is as a gift for her lover too. Recently, the trend is changing with modernization and advancement. Now both of the partners play an important role in its selection. Sometimes matching rings are also selected to give a feeling of belonging. Price of a ring may vary according to its material and design.


Some rings may have engagement rings that may be an ordinary one to most expensive like diamond. So you may need to consume three months salary on just buying a single ring. However, it all depends on you whether you want an extraordinary item or just a simple one for your engagement. Price of a ring depends on the value and quality of gemstone used. You may find various rings in this regard. Some may have precious diamonds while others may be of rubies, sapphires, emeralds or moissanite etc.


Do you know the ring significance for each finger? Rings and significance for each finger changes culturally and you engagement rings find yourself sending the wrong message. For example, in Russia, your wedding ring is worn on your right hand wedding finger. Some fingers are chosen because of style or personal preference, but where you wear a ring sends a symbolic message that you might want to consider.Here in the U.S. it is customary to wear your wedding or engagement ring on the left hand on the finger next to your pinky. This tradition has a long history engagement rings all the way back to Roman family traditions and this fingers connection with the heart. Symbolically you can see the significance of placing a band on what was considered the finger with the closest relationship to the heart.



Beyond tradition, your fingers each have a historic personality association passed down over the centuries from tradition. The engagement rings finger for example, is associated with wit, and cleverness. You will often find successful businessmen wearing diamond pinky rings these days, do you think the subconsciously associate with the significance of the pinky?The thumb on the hand is associated with strength, force and sometimes clumsiness. You will often find thumb rings most common with people looking for a style associated with strength or will. These are just a few of the ring finger associations that exist. You may choose to wear a ring on a finger that you feel is stylish or customary, but there might be more to your choice of style in a ring finger than you at first believe.

